Welcome to a new viewing platform for quality independent specialist video content
We’re very excited to launch this new Featureview site, on which we will be offering an innovative new collection of quality online viewing content that we are now rapidly bringing together.
The Featureview concept is to curate the very best of specialist, quality, independent video and dynamic image content that we believe is worth presenting and introducing in its own carefully structured environment. This project has come out of a new understanding of how much good material there is now being independently made, but not widely seen.
For many years ‘film’ and ‘video’ could only be viewed in particular environments – in cinemas, on TV, or via specialist home-playing equipment. Now the online environment is as good a place as any – and better than many – to discover and view great moving picture content.
But the good material is often ‘drowned out’ by the trivial and the cheap and cheerful on the obvious viewing platforms, and we felt that the quality specialist content deserved to be better curated and presented.
So we’ve been collecting all this excellent material and carefully indexing and describing it so you can select, enjoy and learn from content across a range of specialist areas from travel and heritage to natural and cultural history.
We’re keen to present both newly created and existing material which may well have been already placed online in less well-suited environments.
If you think you have something that could fit our collection, now is the time to get in touch. You can also do so if you’d like to be involved in our project in any wider way as a creator, distributor or consumer of specialist content of the kind that we will be curating.
Happy viewing!
Please email info@featureview.online and we’ll get back to you!
Got something to contribute?
If you've made a video or feature and would like to share it with our audience then we'd love to hear from you.